Kitchen Cupboard

This piece depicts a candid view of the inside of my grandma’s kitchen cupboard. As seen from the myriad of sauces at the bottom, as well as the somewhat inconsistent arrangement of bottles and plates, my grandma clearly prioritizes efficiency over organization. She places the olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and soy sauce ingredients that she uses the most often at the front. The empty spaces between bottles and some bottles being closer to the edge of the cupboard indicate the speed and finesse of my grandma’s cooking. I learned that the way people organize their spaces is telling of their values. Hence. seeing this at her house, I felt the urge to record this spontaneous moment.

                 gouache on paper, 14 * 18(in), 2021

                  14*18(in), arcylic, color pencil on canvas, 2020

Unwashed Dishes

A brilliantly colored piece portraying the exasperating yet quotidien view of unwashed dishes, Unwashed Dishes conveys one’s sense of unfulfillment as one stares down at a pile of tasks to finish. In this case, the placement of dishes is rather arbitrary and does not reflect one’s personal preferences.