Tea Time
At first glance, this painting depicts me peacefully sitting in a verdant, nature-filled space, surrounded by trees, suspended teacups, birds, and open bird cages. The scene almost resembles the ethereal state of nirvana: an idyllic paradise free of suffering. However, when examined closely, a rather heartfelt underlying message can be observed through the objects around me. The suspended teacups add to a surreal impression, suggesting the idea of tea time, a traditional yet classic bonding activity in Hong Kong. Furthermore, bird cages symbolize a lack of freedom, so the vibrant abstract shapes covering the open cages express ecstasy and liberty. Just like the free birds, I want my family members to be free to have a cup of tea with me. This painting also serves as a reminder for those in bustling society to take a break and surround themselves in nature.
20*23(in), oil on canvas, 2021
2021 08 Celebrating Art (summer) - High Merit
2021 08 Adroit applied